Thursday, December 31, 2009

I am surrounded by amazing people

I really am. When I think about the diseases, the illnesses, the strife and struggles of so many people in my circle, I'm amazed at how much they have survived. They are pillars of strength. Beacons of their family. Some have faced death straight on, and by the grace of God, their family, and all they had in them, beat odds and walked away. Has life been easy for them after? No. (Why should it have been?) But they go on. They inspire.

They amaze me.

Does anyone have any concept of how impossible it is to be surrounded by such people? And, yet, at the same time, impossible to walk away? To not want to be in their midst? But to know you are simply too small to be there?

By comparison, it seems like what is enough to just make me throw up my hands and scream, "Uncle!" is so ridiculously miniscule compared to what these incredible people have gone through. What kind of a shallow, discontented monster am I to be ready to throw the towel in over something so inconsequential in comparison!

I'm a selfish rube.

I'm told to appreciate what I have. But how can you appreciate what you have when it's not what brings you joy? It's like giving chocolate to a drowning man. Yes, chocolate is incredible. And most people would be ecstatic to be handed a box of chocolate. But the man is drowning. What the hell is he going to do with chocolate? No matter how high the quality?

There are days, like today, when I am clearly not worthy to be in the presence of these people. I am completely undeserving. I'm a stupid, pratty peon.

I wish there were a way I could transfer what they see as valuable to them. They'll appreciate it far more than I ever will.


  1. I've said this to myself for years now. Over and over - like a mantra:

    let it go-the
    smashed word broken
    open vow or
    the oath cracked length
    wise-let it go it
    was sworn to

    let them go-the
    truthful liars and
    the false fair friends
    and the boths and
    neithers-you must let them go they
    were born
    to go

    let all go-the
    big small middling
    tall bigger really
    the biggest and all
    things-let all go
    so comes love

    -e.e. cummings

    It's all I have to offer you right now. You are loved. You are valuable. You are talented. You ARE one of the amazing people. You are wearing very dark glasses (I know them very well) and you will figure out how to take them off.

    Much Love,
