Monday, October 12, 2009

Yet another reason I just want to curl up under a rock and cry

There is no place that is safe. Home, work, the past, the current. Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, the internet. Bars, restaurants, the grocery store, the private beach.

I have no place to be safe.

Not even in my mind.

The minute that I feel like it's ok to come out, I'm reminded of why I went back under in the first place.

And God only help me if I come out, happy, and ready to take on the world. That's when it hurts the most.

They are out there.

The predators.

The wolves in sheep's clothing.

The naysayers.

The scum.

The bullies.

The cheaters.

The oblivious.

The loves ones.

The entrusted.

The protectors.

The haters.

The manipulators.


They are all out there, waiting to pounce. Just waiting for the moment I set off the trap.

Can I get away before I get stabbed? Rarely.

They change names. They change their approaches. They change faces.

They get older. They mature.

But they are still the same.

It's still them.

They are out there.

They are in here.

There is no escape.

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